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The crisis for women is real and evolving. We are determined to address inequities and eliminate barriers.

For nearly forty years we have been a powerful voice boldly challenging the status quo and advocating for gender equity. We are not your average advocates; we are pioneers of change, weaving dreams into reality.

As disruptors for good, we are fearlessly uncompromising in the way we push boundaries and reshape societal norms in our quest to realize a world where every woman, girl, and gender-expansive person thrives authentically and unapologetically.

At the Women’s Fund of Greater Milwaukee, compassion meets expertise… and empathy fuels action. As we journey together toward gender equity, every dollar, every voice, and every heart matters. Your support becomes the ripple that transforms lives and illuminates Greater Milwaukee in progress.

Join the movement:

Be an outlaw for change, and let’s weave possibilities into reality together.

why our work matters

Just 2%…
The latest study from the Women’s Philanthropy Institute at IUPUI indicates that only 1.9% of all charitable giving supports organizations for women and girls.  

TMJ4’s Cassandra McShepard Recently Shined the Spotlight on the Women’s Fund.

“So, why a gender-specific fund?,” asked Cassandra. WF executive director Lisa Attonito didn’t hesitate: “Where there are women’s funds, there is greater attention to the needs of women. There’s new research that also says that women’s funds and foundations move philanthropic dollars nine months faster than traditional giving entities. So, when you’re talking about mobilizing philanthropy to address the issues that impact women and girls, moving money fast is critical and important.”

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