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The Chaplain

Rev’d Dr Simon Perry

After seven years in the military, Simon went to Regent’s Park College, Oxford, to study Theology and train for Baptist Ministry. He has served as part time minister at Fivehead Baptist Church in Somerset where, on his departure, the church was in a position to offer a full time position to his successor. From Somerset, he was appointed chaplain to Fitzwilliam College, where he also became a boat club captain. This was followed by five years at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, a central London community deeply engaged in political and social justice, a job that involved political campaigning, rough sleeping and excessive eating.

His publications include:

  • Atheism After Christendom: Disbelief in an Age of Encounter (Paternoster, March 2015)
  • Jesus for Humanists (Dolphin, 2014)
  • Resurrecting Interpretation: Technology, Hermeneutics and the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Wipf and Stock, 2012)
  • All Who Came Before (Wipf and Stock, 2011)
  • The Bible in the Flesh in The Plainly Revealed Word of God? Baptist Hermeneutics in Theory and Practice (ed. Woodman and Dare, Mercer University Press 2011)
  • What is So Holy About Scripture? Listening to Scripture in a Technological Age (Wipf and Stock, 2003)
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