The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

This photographer transcends his medium — by turning day into night and past into present

Review by
Dawoud Bey’s “Martina and Rhonda,” 1993, part of a series of works taken with a 20-by-24-inch Polaroid, combines multiple views taken at different moments of a portrait session into one multipaneled image. (Whitney Museum of American Art/Gift of Eric Ceputis and David W. Williams/© Dawoud Bey)

NEW YORK — Art love can be founded on soul-shaking epiphanies or on little "A-ha!" moments. I remember, for instance, learning that many of the gloomy photographs in "Paris by Night," Brassai's classic vision of 1930s Paris nightlife, were taken during the day.

“A-ha!” I thought. You can do that?!

Well, yes, you can. You’re an artist. You’re playing with chemicals in a darkroom. You can do whatever you like.