
SisterSong is a multi-ethnic, multi-racial, and multi-gender collective dedicated to eradicating reproductive oppression and securing human rights.

SisterSong is a multi-ethnic, multi-racial, and multi-gender collective dedicated to eradicating reproductive oppression and securing human rights. Formed in 1997 by 16 women of color led organizations, SisterSong’s founders recognized that the women’s rights movement largely represented wealthy white middle-class women singularly focused on abortion rights, rather than access or other reproductive oppressions experienced by women and trans people of color. Thus, they articulated the reproductive justice framework that uniquely affirms the rights to bodily autonomy, abortion and contraception, and parenting in safe and sustainable environments with adequate resources. Focusing their work on severely marginalized communities, such as sex workers, youth, young parents, people with disabilities or HIV/AIDS, and people with incarceration or addiction experience, SisterSong is attuned to the interlocking oppressions that inflict multiple forms of violence, e.g. criminalization, violent attacks and intimidation, police brutality, poor healthcare access, exploitative migrant and religious laws, and in-accessibility to quality education. SisterSong maintains a strategic focus on the U.S. South where they see the region as ground zero for the War on Women. Their goals are to expand reproductive justice in other social justice movements, train the next generation of reproductive justice activists and leaders on the evolution of reproductive justice, and provide a platform for groups to collaborate on shared policy and advocacy goals.

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